Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Picture of the Day

Mr. Vain

Beware the Ides of March. Actually, Caesar took heed on what he thought was the Ides of March, the 13th. However, he was forgetful that March had a different lunar cycle and the Ides was on the 15th. Such is history. But I digress.

From the very beginning, Andrew has loved looking at himself in the mirror. At first he would look and a sly grin would emerge on his face, which eventually led to big smiles and fascination. This grin would even manage to appear, however briefly, while he was in the throws of "colic" ... better known as his acid reflux.

Even in those painful first eight or so weeks while we were working out his medication and it seemed nothing could comfort him, the mirror provided us with a few minutes of reprieve. This eventually spilled over into bath time. Andrew has always loved his baths, but would get very upset when we took him out, which would escalate into fits as we tried to dry him off, put lotion on him, etc. In time, I discovered I could completely alleviate this problem by plopping him on the bathroom counter, so he could gaze at his image while we conducted the uncomfortable "after bath" duties. I can only presume he is staring at what he perceives to be the unadulterated beauty of himself.

I'm not sure why we're paying for daycare, because I often believe we could leave him in front of a mirror all day and he would never get bored. I know a solid self-worth is a good thing, but is it possible Andrew is taking this to the extreme?

Photo taken March 14, 2005
Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better keep him clear of reflecting pools. You don't want him to go all Narcissus on you.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

Good point... We'll be sure to keep a close eye on him around standing water. :-)

7:07 PM  

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